Three Things Car Owners Should Know About Transmission Work

Problems with your vehicle's transmission can be an urgent mechanical issue that will have the potential to cause catastrophic damage to the vehicle. Whenever your car is starting to exhibit warning signs that its transmission is malfunctioning, it will be an issue that requires an urgent response.  Burning Odors Are Not The Only Warning Sign Of Transmission Problems A very common indication that a vehicle is suffering from transmission problems could be the presence of burning odors in the vehicle.

Why Do Older Cars Tend To Develop Coolant Leaks?

Coolant leaks are a fact of life on just about any older vehicle. There's no set age or mileage where they typically start, but it's a good bet you'll experience one sooner or later once you cross the warranty threshold. Coolant leaks can range from relatively minor to incredibly severe, but any coolant loss can potentially result in overheating and engine damage. While these leaks may be unavoidable, knowing why they occur and what to expect can be helpful.

Cummins 5.9 Performance Engines: The Kings Of The Road

Cummins 5.9 performance engines have been around for years and are known for their power, durability, and reliability. With this performance engine installed in your vehicle, you can rest assured that you will get the most out of every mile. However, there are certain parts to pay attention to if you want to keep your Cummins 5.9 engine running at peak performance. Read on to learn more. The Fuel System

Auto Glass Damage Answers For Car Owners

If the windows of your car have suffered some damage, you will have to prepare to oversee a number of repairs that are designed to repair or replace the damaged panes. Fortunately, there are mobile auto glass repair solutions that will enable you to make this repair far more easily. Will Auto Glass Repair Resin Leave Visible Marks On The Glass? The quickest and most cost-effective option for repairing the damage to your car's glass will involve the use of repair resins.

4 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Damaged Bumper Repaired ASAP

After a car accident, you may find that your bumper is dented — or, worse yet, completely smashed. It can be tempting to ignore the damage and hope that it doesn't affect the rest of your car. However, this is a mistake. Here are four reasons why you should get your damaged bumper fixed by an auto body repair shop as soon as possible. 1) A Damaged Bumper Can Affect the Safety of Your Car